
How to Set Up FaceFX Support

To enable FaceFX support in the Dialogue System, import the package Third Party Support/FaceFX Support. (FaceFX is required.)

FaceFX copyright © FaceFX, Inc.

Sequencer Commands


Note: Provided in Scripts/Third Party Support/FaceFX. Requires FaceFX.

Syntax: FaceFX(animation, audio[, subject])

Description: Plays a FaceFX line. You must first set up your character with FaceFX XML bone pose animations using the provided version of FaceFX's FaceFXControllerScript, and put the corresponding audio under a Resources folder.


  • animation: The name of a FaceFX animation on the subject.
  • audio: The path to the corresponding audio clip inside a Resources folder.
  • subject: (Optional) The actor speaking the line. Default: speaker.


  • FaceFX(hello,Audio/hello) (Plays the FaceFX animation "hello" and the audio asset "Audio/hello" located inside a Resources folder.)

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