Conversation Trigger

Component > Dialogue System > Trigger > Conversation

Conversation Trigger starts a conversation when the specified trigger occurs.


Property Function
Once Start the conversation once and then destroy this component
Conversation Title of the conversation to start
Condition The Trigger Conditions required for the trigger to fire
Skip If No Valid Entries If ticked, don't fire the trigger if no entries have Conditions that are true
Conversant The conversant. In unassigned, defaults to the component's GameObject
Actor The actor. If unassigned, defaults to the GameObject that initiated the trigger
Trigger The trigger that causes the conversation to happen
Stop Conversation On Trigger Exit If ticked, stop the conversation if the GameObject receives an OnTriggerExit/OnTriggerExit2D message


This component starts a conversation when a trigger condition occurs.

IMPORTANT: See How GameObjects Are Associated With Conversations for important information about how GameObject are associated in conversations.

Both participants receive "OnConversationStart" and "OnConversationEnd" messages.

The Once checkbox only works during the current scene. If you want this functionality to persist between level changes or saved games, use a Lua condition instead. In the conversation's START entry, set a Lua variable true. Then add a Lua condition to this trigger that requires that the variable is false.

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